Michael Abramo's Website

About Me


Gm Anon,

Welcome to my Website! My name is Michael Abramo, and I am here because I eat, sleep, and breathe Decentralized Finance. I am an aspiring Blockchain Developer interested in topics such as DAO governance, crypto economics, indexing blockchain data, and Decentralized Science. I'm here to fight for a more honest and transparent economic future that works for everyone, not just the top 1%.

I have been in crypto since November 2021, where I dabble in various DeFi protocols providing liquidity, yield farming, and endlessly exploring the limitless possibilities that blockchain technology enables. I am from Boston, Massachusetts, where I hope to broaden my knowledge of Decentralized Finance and master the programming skills required for building the next generation of disruptive web3 technologies.

That is all for now. If you are interested in saying hello or following my progress, feel free to follow me on my Github and Twitter.


Michael Abramo